Did you know that in 1956 Pillsbury produced the first packaged cinnamon roll tube?
Since then cinnamon rolls have become a household favorite, and you don’t even have to bake them anymore.
Pre-made cinnamon rolls are everywhere and about every brand manufactures its own.
One of the most popular is the Big Texas Cinnamon Roll.
Find out if this cinnamon roll is the best for you and where you can purchase one.
Is it the best cinnamon roll you can buy at a store vs. a bakery? Keep reading to find out more about this wildly popular cinnamon roll.
Cloverhill Bakery
Cloverhill Bakery was a producer of baked goods that primarily distributed products in vending machines. Their most popular products included Big Texas Cinnamon Roll, Danish Pastries, Crumb Cakes, Cake Doughnuts, and Honey Buns.
The company also sold goods through supermarkets, warehouse clubs, and convenience stores.
In 2018 however, Cloverhill Bakery was purchased by Hostess. The company took a similar route and kept the products located in a variety of stores.
With easy access to products and a new brand name, the company started seeing profit from its acquisition in late 2019.
Big Texas Cinnamon Roll Nutrition Facts
The Big Texas Cinnamon Roll is individually packaged, making its nutritional section easier to read.
Big Texas Cinnamon Roll calories are higher than your average cinnamon roll. They contain 420 calories per serving, whereas the average cinnamon roll only contains 248.
It also contains 16g of fat, 490mg of sodium, and 63g of carbohydrates. These are things to factor in if you’re eating them frequently.
They won’t cause any issues if you eat them now and then, but it’s not recommended to eat more than one.
As for Big Texas Cinnamon Roll’s ingredients list, if you’re someone who has dietary restrictions they might not be for you.
If you’re sensitive or gluten intolerant they contain wheat flour and malted barley flour.
Are They Bad For You?
These cinnamon rolls contain a lot of salt. 490mg is almost a fourth of what a person should ingest daily.
They also contain a very high-calorie count, which is important to keep in mind. This is due mostly to their size, they’re a lot larger than the average cinnamon roll so they do have a higher calorie count.
If you want to curb this, you can try cutting in half and sharing with someone or saving it for another day.
However, if you’re craving something sweet every once in a while, or want to treat yourself to something, they’re not bad.
It’s not recommended to eat more than one a day, but they can be nice to eat in moderation.
Where Can You Buy Them?
Looking to purchase a cinnamon roll near you? Not to worry.
Big Texas Cinnamon Rolls are available in most places, but they can be priced differently depending on where you find them.
For instance, Sams Club sells them in a 12-pack box for $8.98, whereas Walmart also sells them in a 12-pack box for $22.47.
If you like to keep more on hand you can also purchase them on Amazon in a 16-count pack. They retail for $24.52 per box.
If you’re a member at Sams Club already that’s where the best deal on them will be.
You can also find them at vending machines, and condescension stands. The price can vary depending on where you find them.
How Long Do They Last?
If you’re looking for a sweet treat every once in a while, it may not pay off to have more than one box lying around the house.
If you purchase them at a grocery store they will have an expiration date located on the box.
When you purchase them in bulk, or individually it’s trickier to read the expiration date. Once you learn how to read the shelf code it’s not hard.
They typically have a shelf code located on the plastic package. If the number says 025, they were manufactured on the 25th day of the year, the general shelf life is 30 days.
However, if you’d like to keep them around longer you can always stick them in the freezer. The 30-day shelf life would apply after they’d been thawed.
Overall Reviews
The overall consensus is that these are not the best cinnamon rolls that you can buy.
Some people love them, and others aren’t the biggest fans. A lot of the complaint comes from their doughy-ness.
If you’re not a fan of dough, or you don’t want to spend a lot of time warming them up, these will probably not be great for you.
Another drawback is the icing tends to stick only to the bag. If you want a bigger icing-to-cinnamon roll ratio, you’re not going to find it with these.
The icing tends to melt very fast making it stick to the wrapping instead of the cinnamon roll. You might be better off sticking to another cinnamon roll brand.
However, if you want something quick, easy, and pre-made, these could work for you.
Try warming them up in a toaster oven or microwave to get the full cinnamon roll experience.
Final Thoughts
A Big Texas Cinnamon Roll can be a great and easy treat to have with morning coffee or a late-night snack.
They’re big, sugary, and pre-made so they’ll do the trick if you’re craving a cinnamon roll.
Let us know if you’ve ever had a Big Texas Cinnamon Roll and what your thoughts on them are!
If these don’t do the trick for you and you’re wondering what other cinnamon roll brands you should try and past winners of the best cinnamon rolls, check out our blog.
We’ve got all the information about the best cinnamon rolls to eat and where to find them!
If you’re searching for cinnamon roll near me, you’re always in luck with the Big Texas Cinnamon Roll. They’re easily accessible at Wal-Mart, Costco, nearby gas stations and online at Amazon, too!